Fathers’ Day bliss

We had another short but sweet awesome weekend visit this past Friday through Monday in NYC. We were of course celebrating what a great father daddyNyLon is and in order to fit it all in, I had a schedule for the whole thing. Saturday and Sunday especially. Saturday we had high hopes and it required cooperation of weather, naps, transit, and foot traffic. Thankfully, babyNyLon’s first ever trip to the beach went swimmingly!!!


We took the one-hour subway ride out to Coney Island and (despite getting started 45 min later than planned) babyNyLon napped almost all the way there. She was super excited when she saw the park from the overground when she woke up. She loved the beach, or in her words “beesh!”. The weather was perfect and the water was nice. The first time babyNyLon touched the water was captured on video but then for the most part we put the camera down and concentrated on having a great time. When we got her into the water up to her neck, she lied down on her tummy like we practiced in the bath as if to doggy paddle away šŸ™‚ She loved the sand, but was hesitant to sit in it for a little bit. But as you can see, with daddyNyLon’s encouragement she got over it! Her swimsuit and baby flip flops were super cute. Poor thing hated the changing in the bathroom though. Lately change tables terrify her. But the fun more than made up for it. It might have been a first for babyNyLon, but it has been a very long time since mommy and daddyNyLon had a fun beach day too! We will definitely remember that day for a long long time.

There is so much more to write about but my lunch is over so it’ll have to wait for another day…

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